Tag Archives: BS 5837:2012

Architectural Technologist – Trees – Arboriculture & The new British standard, BS 5837:2012.

Books for trees

Books for trees (Photo credit: Scays)

I received an email recently from an Arboriculturist Johnathan Hazell, I speak to quite frequently, on the new  British standard, BS 5837:2012. As you might be aware its the BS recommendations  for trees in relation to design, demolition and construction, which came into effect on the 30th April 2012.

Johnathan who is an Arboriculturist, and runs his own consultancy, and has a rather good web site, has written an excellent overview of the new standard and has given permission for me to offer it as a download. if you need help on any tree matters, I have no doubt that Johnathan would be please to hear from you., his contact details are on the web site and the document, but for ease of contact he’s on go2jonathan.hazell@gmail.com

This is not a quick read, I should put aside at least an hour to go over the pdf, and follow up, I was particularly interested in the arboricultural method statement.

I have added an hour to my CPD sheet under my Landscape tag, together with a listing in my evernote Arboriculturist folder with loads of tags to link it into other sections. interestingly I made a new note in evernote, and just dropped the pdf into it, which appeared as the whole document, just excellent, again with loads of tsags to link it to other topics and subjects.

As a plus Johnathan has managed to get his twitter feed into his web site, nice touch, must ask him how he did it !.

Don’t forget, I will host a tech hangout every Friday at 3 pm, call in to chat, moan,find out something, anything to do with Architectural Technology. follow me on Google + “+stevescaysbrook”


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